Thursday, July 25, 2013

W is for Weather

For those of you who have heard of The Leader in Me process or The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, you know that "proactive people carry their own weather with them."

Stephen Covey says whether it rains or shines makes no difference to proactive people.

Well, here in Florida, the literal rain has been driving me crazy testing my "proactiveness". It's hard to do normal summer-type outdoor activities with all the thunderstorms.

 We even have Tropical Storm Dorian trying to visit.
BUT, since proactive people CHOOSE their attitudes, behaviors, and reactions to our environments, I'm finding things to do inside. And soaking up the vitamin D when the sun is able to break through the clouds.

I made a little poster to remind me of this. Click the picture if you'd like to have a copy. =)

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Friday, July 19, 2013

D is for Drawers

I'm sure you've seen this magnificent creation on Pinterest from One Happy Teacher.

And the fabulous ones made by Rachel aka The Tattooed Teacher.


So cute!

Well, they inspired me to make my own. 

 Ladybug style! 

{Tip: I couldn't wait to take this picture before the Mod Podge dried, but the combination of my printer ink and the Mod Podge gave the black part a little bit of a chalkboard effect. It still looks this way after drying time. You might want to look into printing with a professional printer if you afraid of ink bleed-age. Or tape it!}

If you would like to use these labels, click {here} to get them. 

Happy organizing!

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

I is for Instagram

Yes! I've caught up with the times. Come follow me on Instagram. (secondgradesillness)

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

D is for Daily Math

I am super excited to specialize in Math and Science this upcoming school year. I think this will give me more time to plan some fabulous activities.

I have been using the freedom of summer to rethink how I do math centers.

I've been doing Debbie Diller style Math Stations, but keeping up with 9 seasonal math stations was beginning to wear on me. It works for some {organized} people.

I was all ready to copy Mrs. Cooley's idea.

Then I saw BUILD on Pinterest and really liked the concept.

Awesome idea!

BUT, thanks to Pinterest, I am committing to Daily 5 Math. I'm not going to lie...after starting Daily 5 for Language Arts last year, I was going to miss the convenience a little.

Daily 5 Math centers will provide my future students (about 36 of them!) with the much needed practice they will need to keep up with the Common Core State Standards.

They will include these 5 areas:
Math by Myself (skill worksheets, workbook pages, fact practice, math stories)
Math with Someone (partner games taught in class/groups)
Math Writing (journal prompts) {Math Journal Prompts from Yvonne Dixon}
Math Technology (iPads/computer games)
Math Work (using manipulatives) {Math Action Cards from Lesson Plan Diva}

I am planning on using baskets similar to the BUILD ones above and attaching some signs I made like this one:

Click for FREEBIE!
Students will put their clothespins on one of the green numbers when they make their choices.

They will use this to keep track of the centers they have chosen:

Click for FREEBIE!

I will copy these on colored paper and students will keep them for two weeks. Students can color in the square of the centers they choose each day. I may also use my hole punch to confirm that they did well in that center.

I am hoping to do two rotations a day after a whole group lesson. My hope is to use more interactive journals, too.

New centers are going to be lots of prep work, but I think they will be more beneficial.

Who else is using Debbie Diller's stations, BUILD, or Daily 5 Math?

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