Saturday, August 6, 2016

R is for Rekenrek

Reka-what? I'd never used one before and had never seen one before last year. 

Since my school is switching to Eureka Math instead of Go Math!, I found myself needing a rekenrek. Pinterest is always inspiring. 

Here's my version before any paint. It cost about $10 using coupons (of course!).  

I used:
12x12 unfinished wood frame from Michael's
2 packs of large hole beads from Hobby Lobby
1 pack of wooden dowels (.187 dia)
Hot glue

Easy peasy! 

Monday, January 4, 2016

D is for Directions {Freebie!}

I wanted to share a freebie that I made to help our IRLA 2G readers with the directions portion of their Category Words.

Click the pic to get it for free!

 photo Signature 15.png