Saturday, August 14, 2010

B is for Beginning

Don’t be confused. S is for Starting was the beginning of this blog, but B is for Beginning is the start of a new school year. Get it now?

Let me begin by saying this:


Okay. I feel better now. I am ready for the kids. I hope they are ready for me.

The wildlife started yesterday. A roach with mold on him crawled across my floor. I captured him in my bug holder and paraded him around the school. Then I let him go. I’m not telling where. That is why you should always be nice to me. (Reread W is for Wildlife from January).

The beginning of “getting to know the new parents” happened during planning week, too.

I had a 40 minute interrogation interview conference with a parent who is going to be VERY involved. Great way to start a Thursday morning. I’m sure we’ll get along fine, though.

I also had a parent complain about me to the principal. I didn’t even do anything yet! Turns out that was the problem. I didn’t conference with her during registration. Our principal said in a faculty meeting, “Thank you to everyone for doing a great job at registration. We only had one crabby parent and it was…MS. BUCKLER’S!” I did a curtsey. I’m sure we’ll end up okay, too.

Then get this. I’ve already had a parent give me a bribe! It is an Evan Longoria poster. She must know me well. I’m positive this parent and I will be Best Friends Forever. We’ll see about her child…

But my favorite part of planning week is setting up my classroom. I am now going to subject you to a comparison. Scroll on if you are bored easily.

This is what my room looked like two weeks ago. Scary. Very scary. I could be on a show called “Hoarders: Teacher’s Edition”.

Here are some of last year’s pictures compared to this year’s.

Notice there are now bookshelves in the back and an Elmo instead of an overhead.


No more teacher desk.

Yes, there are more books. See that green crate. That's more. I could also be on a show called "Obsessed".

One of the million little projects I do during planning week is making Welcome Back goody bags. I confess that I bribe the kids to come back the next day.

But the strangest thing happened. This one “fell open”.

Okay a few of them did.

I am super excited to meet the kids on Monday. I hope I’ll have some good stories to share with you.

Have a great first day my fellow teachers!


  1. Thank you for sharing!!! You really are an amazing writer who should write a book!!!

  2. Thank you Teresa. That means a lot to me!

  3. okay, i totally read that (and reread that) as EVA longoria poster. i was thinking i would have to deny familial ties to you if you were a big-time desparate housewives fan.

  4. =) Big difference. I'll stick with E-V-A-N.
