Tuesday, February 15, 2011

V is for ValentiMes Day!

No matter how many times you tell kids it's ValentiNe's Day, some of them just can't give up the M.

Now, I've never really LIKED Valentine's day, but I can't say I dislike it. It's just that one time in third grade when my "boyfriend" embarrassed me by showering me with gifts. And then that time in 8th grade when this geeky boy on the bus told me he loved me. And then that time in college...


Let's just say that I prefer Valentine's Day from the role of a teacher. Despite the fact that I posted this yesterday.

It's especially fun when I come home with chocolate.

These kids are getting good grade the rest of the year!

I was really excited to give my darlings the hand-made valentines I made them. On Friday, they were discussing what kind of valentines they were giving out and I told them I was making super secret ones.

It was inspired by this book that we had read last week:

Now don't let the title fool you. The Pout-Pout fish turns into a Kiss-Kiss fish by the end.

Before that happens, he likes to spread his dreary-wearies around.

We had a LOT of fun reading this book.

I did have to explain that there will be NO SMOOCHING in our class. Just in case.

All morning long, I got surprise visits from other teachers' students. At least I think they meant to give the valentines to me.

Slightly inappropriate? No?

Then there was this one:

I hope her teacher doesn't mind.

And Miss Drama from last year brought me one.

She remembered how to spell my name, that I am NOT a Mrs. and that my favorite color is red. What a sweetie.

 She must have also know that I've been working out...

Our school's Safety Patrol sold a lot of these candy grams:

This one was from a first grader. I think she's trying to butter me up.

The rest of those said names such as: Butler, Bushler, Bucker, and Bukler.

We got a visit from our lovely Women's Club ladies. They brought us all a Beanie Baby.

We also had a visitor in our tree. We noticed it on the way in for our party. We decided it was a Valentine Bird.

During our party, I asked Sassy to be the photographer.

Her: What do I take pictures of?
Me: Important things!

This is a collage of what all 12 of her pictures were like.

Important things, indeed.

The HIGHLIGHT of the day came during after school tutoring. One of my special guys handed me something. I was soooooooooo excited because he's not the kind of dude to share his feelings.

Me: You made me a valentine?!?! Awwwwwwwwww!
Him: Just read it.

It was a reminder for me to bring his favorite snack.

I hope that your ValentiMes' day was as fun as (or hopefully more fun than) mine.

(P.S. Valentine's Day is on a {Terrible} Tuesday next year!)

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