Tuesday, January 17, 2012

L is for Listening Lists

I've started a listening center in my class. We are lucky to have iPods with our stories on them, but these can go along with the online format of the Florida Treasures reading series as well (mhln.com).

I am going to laminate, cut them out, and put them on a ring. Enjoy these cards for all 30 stories for free if you use Treasures.

Listening Lists



  1. Is there a way to get the Treasures stories for the iPods? We just got three for my classroom and would love to put Treasures stuff on them!

    Just curious! :)

  2. Our district's reading office sent them to us from MMH. However, our Unit 4 cd was a duplicate of Unit 3. So, I used the voice notes on my iphone to record myself reading it, then sent them to my itunes. You could also record someone reading them on garage band and convert it to an itunes file. Hope that helps.

  3. I tried to download these but it says I have to be a member of scribd. Is there any other way to get these
