Wednesday, March 7, 2012

C is for Currently in March

A new month means a new Currently Linky Party from Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade.

The rules for 3 Words is that the words have to start with the first letter of my last name and be a word that my students/friends/family would use to describe me.

Anybody have any ideas for quick to put together fundraisers that have worked at your school? For students and/or teachers? We're on the home stretch for Relay for Life (March 23!) and I would like to do something else before it. 

We've done: Jeans month, Penny Race, Mystery Eggs (filled with candy), face painting on Fridays, and baked goods.

Thanks for your ideas!



  1. Penny drive and you could have each grade compete against each other and keep a graph of the tallies.

    Another school did this and they did a quarter drive.

  2. We are doing a jeans day. Teachers and students pay $1 to wear jeans. We are also doing a restaurant fundraiser where we will get a certain percent of the money from that night. Good luck!!

  3. We are doing a jeans day for the Friday before St.Patrick's Day. Students and teachers pay $1 to wear jeans and a green shirt. Our students have certain colors they can wear usually so wearing jeans and green will be a treat! We are also doing a restaurant night. We will get a percent of the night's revenue.

    Good luck!

  4. I've given you the TOP 10 Award! Go check it out here:



  5. Your Blog is super cute! I am a second grade teacher in TX and I am also your newest follower! Can't wait to see some of your ideas!

    Ms. Harris’s Mon-“stars”

  6. I have seen auctions done before that worked well. Also a catered lunch has been a big hit. We had a restaurant donate the items for lunch and then charged students, parents, and teachers $5 to join in the fun.

    Your blog is so cute!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach
