Monday, March 26, 2012

H is for Hope (Results and Giveaway)

I wrote about HOPE back in February and I just want to fill you in on how our Relay for Life went.

Well, we earned this:

Gold level is $5,000. We hit that goal on Friday morning before Relay even started. We ended the night at over $6,000.

Now you need to understand that I work at a Title 1 school. That means we have a high percentage of students from low to very low income families.

That doesn't mean that we don't have smart kids. We have some of the brightest kids you'll ever meet.

It just means that we don't have as many monetary resources as some of the other areas in our county.

We, however, make due with what we have really well.

I have found that the families and staff at our school go above and beyond when there is someone in need.

Relay for Life is no exception. We managed to raise a lot of this money for the American Cancer Society by doing things around school (jeans month, rummage sale, Parents' Night Out, face painting, Mystery Eggs, etc). Our staff and students' families donated what they could for a great cause.

I believe this generosity comes from having hope.

Luminaria Ceremony during Relay for Life 2012

We have...

hope for a chance to reach our goals.

hope that our families stay healthy and safe.

hope for a cure from a terrible disease.

hope for a better future.

Some of our students may not be able to see the bright side of things right now, but our school does a great job at instilling hope in their hearts.

We started the year by reading this book to our staff and then to our classes (with quite a few tears):

My students really related to it and it opened up a lot of discussions.

I would like to pass this book on to two of my followers who would like to inspire some hope in hearts around them.

You can enter this giveaway below. This is a new giveaway platform for me, so we'll see how well it works. =)

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  1. Hope is given to the children every day when they are hugged good morning and given a hug before they leave each day ~ knowing that they are loved

    First Grade Delight

  2. I try to inspire HOPE in my students by believing in them... by encouraging them every day... and by being there when they need someone to talk to.

  3. I try to encourage my students to live their dreams. There are no boundaries if they are willing to put forth the effort. :)
