Tuesday, April 24, 2012

T is for Testing and Treats

Second graders took the Stanford Achievement test today. Boy were they stressed.

They wanted to know if it was as hard as the FCAT.

They wanted to know if they had to stay in the second grade if they didn't pass it.

They wanted to to know if they can skip third grade if they got a "9" score.

To reduce the stress, we gave them The Polka Dotted Teacher's Smarties treats. They LOVED the 7 reminders.

Some of them took it quite literally and told their parents they had to go to sleep at 7 p.m.

When they came in this morning, they found a pencil from the Test Fairy. (Again from Polka Dotted Teacher.)

We also gave them a tootsie roll treat as one last reminder to do their best. (Adapted from Polka Dotted Teacher. We loved your stuff Jessica!)

The darlings were supposed to "start their day peacefully" so we didn't do our normal Morning Work. I've been letting a student write up our morning jobs and this was today's:

I'm positive "walk around" has never been an option before, so I don't know where that came from.

Stella brought us a reminder she had made.

M&Ms had a friend bring me a note:

I called M&Ms over and gave her a big bear hug. I told her she would be PERFECTLY fine and to do her best. Her teary eyes made my eyes teary. (Soapbox: Why are we doing this to our children?!)

She went back to her desk and held this up:

After the test, she had a huge smile and said, "That was way better than I thought. It was kinda easy." (Whew!)

Testing week just proves to me that I would be a crazy mess of nerves if I were a third grade teacher and the students' scores could mean a mandatory retention. (Go Florida!...not)

I told my darlings that the hardest part of second grade is over. They were very relieved.

************************************MOVING ON ********************************************

My Pinterest Exchange gift came so I got a treat, too!

It was from Tania at My Second Sense!

It is so cute I actually squealed a little when I was opening it all. Here is what she sent me:

Note cards AND the adorable stamp

A personalized notebook AND a RED sharpie!

A super cute post-it holder. I adore it!
Did that lady do her research on me or what?!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Tania! I love it all.

I hope she likes what I sent her a smidgen as much as I mine (especially because it's late).

Pin It


  1. It is kind of sad little ones are experiencing testing anxiety already. I'm lucky to live in Idaho where standardized testing isn't quite what it seems to be around the rest of the world.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I have 1 year left until I become a teacher..in Florida. and do not get me started..whew..I don't like the whole testing process here:(

  3. My awesome exchange arrived today :) I L-O-V-E everything you made!!
    Blogging about it in a minute.
    My Second Sense

  4. I love the little ladybug on the Post-It holder:)! Too cute!


  5. I teach 2nd grade in Tennessee and this is the first year we have taken the Stanford. We received a grant for it this year and that is the main reason we are taking it. Tennessee also states that in 3rd grade if you don't pass the reading you will be retained!

    Before we started the test I saw one of my students whisper to someone else that they were so nervous. I made sure to remind every one of them that they were super smart and I just knew they would do great on it.

  6. Thanks for sharing the ideas for less stress test taking. I am your newest follower. If you have a chance come on over to bubbalulu.blogspot.com Tales from Second

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you for mentioning me in your blog! I am so glad you and your students enjoyed my treats...my students enjoyed them this week as well!

    Thank you again!

    The Polka-dotted Teacher

  8. Love this! can't wait to use it next year! I have some things you may like on my blog. And make sure you follow because I'll be doing a giveaway very soon!

    Kate :)
