Saturday, June 23, 2012

W is for Winners

Thanks to everyone who entered my 200 Followers Giveaway.

I enjoyed reading all of your summer projects. It makes me feel like I'm not crazy for my long list of teacher to-dos. =)

Congratulations to these winners!

I have contacted you ladies!

Don't forget my Teachers Pay Teachers store is 20% off until tonight.

2nd - English Language Arts, Education -

 Thank you, again, for reading my blog.

P.S. Go enter The Tattooed Teacher's 500 Followers giveaway! I hope I reach that many one day.

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Thanks for stopping by our blog! So upset we missed your giveaway. Looks like we'll have to enter your 500 Followers one!

    Across the Hall in 2nd
