Monday, July 30, 2012


We were allowed to get into our classrooms today.

I opened my door and saw this lovely sight.

Wow! That is one shiny floor! I don't think I've ever seen my 24 x 24 feet look so....shiny.

However, this is 'THE OTHER SIDE".

That's what happens when you don't leave your wonderful custodians a floor plan.

You kind of earn a few pieces of furniture on your toes.

I may or may not have climbed on/under/through some of that pile, but let's just keep that between us.

Thankfully, my wonderful custodians came and helped me move some of the bigger stuff into place.

I did find a few unwelcome 'Florida Natives' in various spots, but they were not alive. Amazingly, there were no CRICKET carcasses... (You are so lucky Who-Know-Who.)

I always feel a little overwhelmed getting all of my can't-live-without junk stuff in my tiny portable, but I always do. It's like a puzzle and it's part of the fun. I make it work for me.

I'm going to go take a Tylenol PM now. No reason...It just sounds like a good idea...(Oh my aching toes!)

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  1. I know hope you feel I was there a few weeks ago however my custodians gave me awesome rows.. I am slways amazed at how much stuff I have each year. I hope you have an awesome year

  2. Your room will look AMAZING!!! Always does!!!

  3. I can't wait to see how everything turns out!! Don't you love how clean & shiny classrooms look at the beginning of the year? It will look great!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. I can't wait to see the finished classroom!!! I am afraid of what mine will look like!!! :-/ Probably just like yours! Hope you're sleeping good!!!!!!

  5. Oh I just walked into my room today. Shiny floor. Check. Piled up furniture. Check. Not remembering where I packed anything. Yep, check! I started to undo the puzzle that was my room a bit today... but it'll be a process! But in the end, it always comes together!

    Reaching for the TOP!
