Monday, August 6, 2012

R is for Rainy (Day) Ramblings

1. I went to school this morning. I finished my teacher toolbox using the idea that I shamelessly copied borrowed from Kristen at Ladybug's Teacher Files. I adore her stuff. And I love that she loves ladybugs like me.

I did not spray paint mine because of her horror story.

2. I came home because there were some scary clouds in the sky. Also because it was 4:15...

3. I went to Walmart (I hate Walmart!) because the refurb color ink I got off ebay didn't work (see August Currently B2S must have #2). I was so mad! The black one worked fine. I sent them a semi-scathing email asking them to "advise on how to fix the problem" and they told me to clean the cartridge with rubbing alcohol. It works now. I am happy. I can return the expensive one to Walmart (I hate Walmart!).

4. The sky opened up and there is some wicked lightning. The dogs are under the bed.

5. I figured that since I was so productive in my classroom today, I'd tackle my mountain of crafty scariness in my utility room.  I am periodically rewarding myself with facebook/blogging/chocolate breaks. This accidentally happened.

Love me some Ikea Hazelnut chocolate with a name I cannot pronounce.
6. I found my pencil shoes I started last summer. They need a coat of ModPodge still...

7. I also had to add some cards to my box of greeting cards I keep. My house burned down when I was 12 and one of the things I miss the most is my box of birthday/holiday cards I had kept since I was in elementary school. I dug to the bottom of my current box just for kicks and found one from my aunt on my 18th birthday (wowzers!) and one from two very good teaching friends on my birthday (during summer school). Great memories.

8. I am making homemade mac-n-cheese for dinner.

9. In case you haven't been anxiously waiting and didn't already know...a lot of sellers on Teachers Pay Teachers will be having a sale on August 12-13. I am putting everything in my store at 20%. With the TPT promo code, you'll have a total of 28% off. Time to clean out those wishlists!

10. I love my laminator.

Okay! Enough of a bloggy break for me. Back to #5. I need more chocolate.

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  1. Hi Emily,
    OMGosh! The same crazy thing happened to some chocolate in my room! What happened?!? ;)
    I’m one of your new followers. I am a Newbie Blogger, so I appreciate all of the sharing of advice and ideas. Come on over for a visit sometime.
    Corinna :)
    Teaching Fabulous Firsties!

  2. I hate Wal-Mart too! But I LOVE Target. Ha!

    Krazy About Kiddos

  3. Holly Molly! I LOVE those shoes :) How did you make them?
    My Second Sense

  4. Aaaagh! You cracked me up!! You were wise to stay away from the spray paint. Or perhaps not, I'm sure you could have done much better than I did! Loved seeing your toolbox. Don't really love Walmart myself. AND! I am freaking out over those shoes!!!! Those are awesome!!!

    1. Thanks Kristen! I'm sure if I attempted to spray paint I'd end up with some Floridian wildlife in it.

      Sorry I put an I in your name! I fixed it. =)

  5. Those shoes are AMAZING!! Please share how you made them! :)

    Tales of An Elementary Teacher

  6. I swear I could've written this post!! I have also had a bad experience with spray painting my toolbox. My husband had to come along & fix my boo boo. I also bought some refurbished ink that didn't work & I had to go & buy new ink this morning. It was so frustrating!! I also would love to know more about your shoes. They are fantastic!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Lisa did you try the rubbing alcohol thing? It fixed mine! I'll work on a shoe post. =)
