Saturday, August 18, 2012

R is for Ready

I walked out of my classroom at 5:35 on a Saturday feeling like I might be ready for the first day. I made it through Hell Week Planning Week. No, I'm not comparing teachers to Navy SEALS, but the job can be pretty intense.

After finding termites in this:

And having to work around the dudes doing this:

And then seeing that they left the giant shelf they moved in the middle of the floor PLUS didn't have matching tiles but not caring because the paneling doesn't match either:

And let's not go into the issues of the stuff I found growing in the room, the new (going to be great blogging material) student I'll be getting, planning, meetings, and headaches...

This got done:

And this:

Turned into this:

All of my books are ready.

Thinking of making a sign "DO NOT TOUCH until you hear my rules!"

And the queenly throne is all set.

Now I'm wondering if I can veg out on the couch until Monday morning...

I plan on taking more detailed pictures before the kidlets get there on Monday. My iPhone just can handle all of the awesomeness. =)

Anybody else starting on Monday?

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  1. I love how you taped over the books; it's a great idea. What do you use your queen throne for? My school also starts on Monday. I'm student teaching and am very excited.

    1. I'm hoping the shelf being taped off creates some excitement. You know, making them want the forbidden...

      My throne is my chair I use when I teach from the carpet. My brother gave it to me. It was a prop in one of the plays he produced. =)

      Good luck with your student teaching assignment! I'm sure you'll have a blast.

  2. Ha, love the throne! What a great idea! I bet lots of good stuff happens on the throne! I start school on Monday and now I want a throne, too!

    ΡΌ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. oh. my. GOSH!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that throne!! lol
    The Teacher’s Cauldron

  4. Oh my goodness, I can't believe you had to deal with termites/repairs in the midst of setting up. Stressful! With that said, your room looks amazing. I love how you taped off the books. I'm seriously thinking that might be a good idea at my Meet and Greet (little brothers and sisters like to get into them and make a mess).

    I don't start for another week, but I hope your year is off to a great start!

    Primarily Speaking

  5. Hey Emily! I don't start until the very end of August, but I'm getting myself crazed over things now!! I love the setup of your library

  6. ok I hit publish before I finished. I love the setup of the library with the anticipation of all those books!
