Thursday, August 23, 2012

T is for Therapeutic Thursday

Therapeutic Thursday is here! Well, it's almost the end of it. Which means the first week of school is almost over! There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

The things that help me unwind from the pressures we face at work are quite simple.

Blizzard of the Month. Need I say more?
Mindless Pinterest
Best pillow for sleeping EVER!
Love cutting coupons on lazy Sundays.
Speaking of mindless...Getting lost in a pointless love story = relaxation!

 Love me some Rays baseball games!

 Making cupcake bites and cake balls is great fun.
The perfect ending to a long day is walking my dogs around the neighborhood at sunset.

 Also, seeing papers like these bring the stress levels down. We did Time Capsules today. =)

Have a happy last day of the first week for those of you who went back this week! Happy Friday for those of you who didn't. 

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  1. I love the Time Capsules you did. I can't believe the first week of school is almost over. I still feel like we haven't done anything. Geez! Enjoy your weekend and have a great second week of school. :o)

    1. Thanks Jana! I feel the same way...can't wait to get into the "normal" routine. =)

  2. Oh man I want one of those pillows sooo bad! I just can't seem to fork over the dough for em though...

    Teachery Tidbits

  3. love that sunset!
    and so bummed there isn't a dairy queen near us...or maybe that's a good thing! lol
