Sunday, August 26, 2012

W is for Wild Weather Warning!

Well it took all day, but my school district finally made the call to close tomorrow because Tropical Storm Isaac is going to blow by.

 I think this is a wise decision as this is where we live:

And this is what the radar looks like:

A few years ago we had a hurricane day on the SECOND day of school. It was insane. Especially because if I remember correctly it ended up being sunny out.

It better not be sunny out tomorrow. A hurricane day kind of messed up my start of reading centers and homework. I think I will get over it though.  Unless we have to make it up during the week of Thanksgiving. That will make me kind of mad.

I was ready with my pretty polka dotted umbrella and rain boots.

product image

But I can wear these to a Tropical Storm party because this Sunday night just became very similar to a Saturday night.

Actually I'm probably just going to sit and create some TPT units while I watch Storage Wars.

I will take pictures and update you tomorrow! Enjoy your Sunday night. =)

(All kidding safe out there fellow Floridians.)

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  1. Praying the storm does not cause too much damage. Stay safe.

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. Be safe!!! Thinking of you!!! :-)

    1. Thanks Sandy! You can imagine how antsy my dogs are getting because they can't go out to play.

  3. I'm in central Florida and our school got canceled too...are you going to "teach" anything on the tropical storm? Just your blog! :)

    1. Thanks Michelle! We use the reading series Treasures and there is a week based on Super Storms. We will definitely refer to it then. =)

  4. I'm in SW Florida too! Thank goodness the storm missed us. We are off today too.

