Sunday, September 23, 2012

W is for Winners (and What the?!)

Okay...I have to start off with the What the?! I really dislike when my students say this, but it's what popped in my mind when I was verifying the entries on Rafflecopter.

Call me what you want, but I had to be a meanie. I chose three winners and wanted to see which of their entries got them the win.

Well wouldn't you know it, the (first) winner of the $25 gift card won with the "Donate to a Cause"  worth 25 entries. Um, WHAT THE?! I CAN VERIFY THAT! I did not see a donation on the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life page so I KNOW that wasn't an honest entry.


So I went through the rest of the Rafflecopter entries and DELETED those entries. I love that Rafflecopter lets you control some honesty is this big, crazy world.

Sorry if that's mean, but come on!

Anyhoo, I chose a new winner for the $25 dollars and am happy that it was someone who has supported my TPT store and had HONEST entries.

Now that my little rant is done...Here are the (real) winners!

Congratulations ladies! I have emailed you about your win.

I am having a 20% off sale in my TPT shop for the rest of you awesome supporters.

Have a wonderful Sunday!

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  1. I am sorry we are having this issues. Honesty counts!!!!

  2. It's a shame people had to be dishonest, when it's so easy to be honest with all of the other choices.

    And lying about donating to a worthy cause. That's a pretty big no-no in my book...karma!!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  3. Now I don't feel so bad!! I had the same problem when I had my 100 Follower giveaway!!! I also deleted entries that did not follow the rules or do what the giveaway entailed. That is such a shame!!!
    Ms. Jones’ Junction

  4. That's terrible that people would be so dishonest! So aggravating!

    Teachery Tidbits

  5. You always do the right thing, Em!!! Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy! So proud of all you have accomplished! You are an AMAZING teacher, friend, and person!! Honored to know you and work with every day!!! Love you!

  6. Isn't that crazy? Especially for such a worthy cause. I had that problem before on my 100 follower giveaway, but at first I thought I had messed it up. After more checking, I realized some people wanted to win by cheating. I hope this won't happen to you again. :(
    I love your blog! Keep it up!
    Teaching Fabulous Firsties!
