Wednesday, November 7, 2012

C is for Currently (November)

It's November and that only means one thing. I'm going to be busy and stay busy until about, oh, Spring Break.

I'm not complaining though (yet) because I LOVE this time of year.

Except that I live in Florida and I'm SO COLD when it is 61 degrees outside. (My darlings and I discussed how we shouldn't say "I am freezing" unless it is 32 degrees or lower.) I must have really thin blood.


It's time for November's Currently from Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade.

I use this CD mostly during Writing time. I have a darling this year who is really connected emotionally to music and he likes everything but Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. It made him really sad. Otherwise, my darlings call it "thinking music" and ask me to play it.

I'm off to see how much flour and butter I have. Count down to Turkey Day with the darlings: 7 days! Then it's break for a whole week! Yay!

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  1. Hi, Emily! I can't wait for the first snow fall! That will be freezing! I wish I could send you a box to share with you kiddos! Glad I found you through "Currently"!
    Owl Things First!

  2. Hi there! I found you through Farley's November Currently. 61 degrees in Florida is funny- we are having a "heat wave" for November here in Minnesota because it was 55 today. We are just waiting for subzero windchills to move in! uggh. Anyway, your blog is super cute and I hope you'll find a spare minute to check mine out, too. I'm having a $10 Target gift card giveaway that ends at midnight tonight...come and enter:)

    Kindergarten Kel
