Tuesday, February 7, 2012

T is for Teary Tuesday

As I've said before, it's usually either a Terrible Tuesday or a Terrific Tuesday...but it's rare I have a Teary Tuesday!

Stella was absent when I took attendance this morning. That isn't what made me teary.

She showed up at 10:00 with a tardy slip. That's not what made me teary either.

 I didn't blog about it because I was really upset about it on Friday, but Stella really hurt my feelings. She said something very unkind to me and I told her that I need some time to feel warm and fuzzy about her again. I told her that I still love her, but I really don't like the choices she makes and the words she lets out of her mouth. She told me she has no feelings.

So yeah, I was a little raw over Stella.

She showed up at 10:00 with her dirty hair and the same outfit she probably wore the whole weekend and I just instantly forgave her. She had her trademark Stella look on her face and handed me a pink pencil pouch. Inside was this:

It contained: 2 pictures with lots and lots of glued on stars, a little poem book, a bag full of jewels, warm fuzzies, dragon tattoos, and a stick of gum.

This picture looks exactly like me.
She then said the most important part was the letter. It was in an envelope with my favorite thing on it. Oh, and I could take off the ladybug and "put it wherever I want like my bathroom mirror or my car window."
Inside was this:
For those of you who don't read "7 year old", this is what it says:
Dear Ms. Buckler,
Me and myself are giving you a little present. I know I can be a little mean but sometimes I am nice. But I am not a cold prickly right now. I am being a warm fuzzy!!!

P.S. I love you.
Love, Stella

Cue the tears! Tears and a bear hug to Stella! I said, "Stella, I really do love you. Especially when you are being a warm fuzzy, but even when you forget."

She said, "I will try to get better."

Oh Stella! How you make this crazy, crazy job worth it!

 Have a Wonderful Wednesday everyone!



  1. I teared up reading these, how sweet are you and Stella!
    It's moments like that make it all worth it! :)
    Stories From Second

  2. You're absolutely right- those moments make this crazy job worth it! I love those moments- thanks for sharing!!! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

  3. And that's what it's alllll about!!!

  4. Those little Stellas make it all worthwhile! Thanks for sharing!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  5. You are so sweet! I know what it's like to have a Stella. What a sweet story. Have I said yet, how much I love your blog!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  6. I have a few kids like that - they really get under your skin...but then you just want to take them home and be their mom that YOU KNOW they dont' have at home :(

    ♥ Jen
    The Teachers' Cauldron

  7. What a sweet story! These little ones can just melt your heart! I am your newest follower. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  8. Aww, what a touching story. I have had a particulary loving bunch of kids last year and this year and I am regularly getting warm fuzzy notes and homemade pressies, as much as I never really know what I am going to do with them all when I get them they really do give that special warm fuzzy feeling.
    Alissa@Excuse Me Mrs C!

  9. Don't you just love the letters and pictures the kiddos draw for you! I save all of mine. When I'm having a bad day, I pull them out to remind myself of how it is all worth the hard work! So sweet!! I'm your newest follower!! :)

    Ms. Emily Shell
