Sunday, March 4, 2012

A is for Awards

I am so humbled that anyone even reads my silliness and to get awards on top of that? I am just so thankful.

Sandy at Soaring Through Second Grade and Beth Ann at Taming My Flock of Firsties gave me the One Lovely Blog Award. Thank you ladies!

Soaring Through Second

The rules for this are to pass it on to blogs that you enjoy reading. I want to pass it on to some bloggers that deserve some more followers.

Check these out: (No buttons yet, so just click the links.)

And a teacher I envy. Corrina's in HAWAII! I know I live in Florida, but I'm still a little jealous.

Surfin' Through Second

Also, Jen at Hello Mrs. Sykes gave me the Top 10 Blogger Award. Thanks Jen!

Top 10 TBA

I'm supposed to pass these on to MY Top Ten, but that would be so hard to narrow down. Check out my Second Grade Blogs tab above and my blog list over there ---------> for some awesome inspirations.

Now, I'm going to head to school and shove things in cabinets for my observation tomorrow. Oh, my principal knows I've got a lot packed into my portable. I just don't want anything to fall on her.

I'm hoping to post a freebie of the activity I'm doing during my observations. If it goes well, that is.

Enjoy your Sunday.



  1. oooh - gotta go stalk the hawaiian girl!

    ♥ Jen
    The Teachers' Cauldron

  2. I hope that your observations go well! :)

  3. Thanks for giving me the Lovely Blog Award!! I mentioned you on my blog!! I am a new follower!


  4. Cute blog! Check out my new 2nd grade blog if you get a chance.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Too many Jens eek!! So sorry Emily ughh!! I feel horrible gotta take a break from blogland.

  6. Oh my GOSH!!! Where in the world did I get the name Amy??!!! I am so sorry!! Evidently I had looked at several blogs and I got the names confused!! I will go back and fix it on my blog!! Thanks for being a follower even though I have no idea what I am doing!!


  7. Hi Emily! I love your blog! I am a new follower.

    Have a great week!

  8. Thank you again for the award!! I have mentioned you on my blog as well. Have a super week:)

