Friday, March 2, 2012

S is for Seussapalooza

Oh. My. Seussness.

Today was a Wacky Friday.

Some crazy person (me) suggested that the second grade team switch class all day today and do different Seuss activities.

I was busy, but fun!

I am so thankful for all of the wonderful resources out there. We did not have to reinvent the wheel!

Here are the things the students did with each teacher:

(Click the pictures for the links.)

The SUPER FANTASTIC Horton. He turned out so cute!

from Erica Bohrer

They made some fun little fish in bowls. (I think some fish got lost! Roll call! One fish? Here! Two fish? Here! Red fish? Blue fish?)

Wockets in Pockets!
From Southern Plate

Southern Plate

They made Blue Goo outside. I wish you could see their faces. Their grossed out expressions cracked me up when I saw the pictures.

 They made the obligatory hat.

And with me, they wrote about the Lorax.

I made mine into a hat to be extra cool.

Of course I had to strike a pose for our fab photographer. =P
It came from The Teaching Bug. (For free!)

The darlings had Green Eggs and Ham made by our FABULOUS cafeteria ladies and they were sent home with a bag of colored Goldfish and Scrabble Cheeze-Its that had the cutest bag topper. (Also free!)

Classroom Confections

I think Dr. Seuss would have loved the activities we did in his honor today. There's just so much stuff to do that we could just make it a Suessy month!

I hope you had a day as fun filled as ours. Who's going to see the Lorax tonight?!



  1. I love the Lorax hat! :) Our cafeteria also did green eggs and ham! I have to admit, I didn't try them, but my kids thought they were great! Don't you love it when we can just have FUN with the kids! :) Glad you had such a great day!


  2. Fun Dr. Seuss ideas!! Love that the ladies in the cafeteria fixed green eggs and ham!
    Conversations in Literacy

  3. Emily you are too cute in your Lorax hat...I love that you guys all switched classes to do fun stuff. My favorite day of the year for sure. I just posted pics too from our day.
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  4. You rock the Lorax hat! It looks like your class had so much fun! What a great way to celebrate.
    I gave you an award. Come on over to check it out!
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  5. I am in love with the Lorax hat! It looks like you had some much fun with Dr. Seuss. I just found your blog and am your newest follower!

    Apples and Papers

  6. Emily,

    I am so pleased to see that your student's had such a great time with my Lorax Writing Craftivity! :) Thank you for putting the link to my site under the picture. :)

    Best wishes,

  7. I hope you are having a great weekend! I've awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award! I love following your blog!
