Tuesday, July 3, 2012

V is for Vistaprint

Hi. My name is Emily and I am STILL a Vistaprint addict. And I don't care! The Independence Day Sale was too good to pass up.
Click for the deals!
So here is what I got:

Oh and...

All for $26.69! Wooohooooo! It probably would have cost me that much in ink to print these things myself.

This is how I am going to use them:

I give these out at Open House for students to put on their refrigerators at home.

These will go on the first few spelling quizzes of the year. They will be a big hit.
This is for Whole Brain Teaching's Scoreboard. It will stick to my whiteboard. Click for details.
Love this resource from Zeke's Zoo. Click to get yours!
I used these Pig Math cards last year and they were a hit. Don't worry...this year I didn't mess up and double the sprinkles...I changed it even though the kids didn't care a bit. =)

And this binder cover is for a new endeavor. Do you use data binders in your classroom? I'd love to hear how they are set up/used. If you'd like this, leave a comment with your email address and I'll be glad to share with you.

So now I just have to order Star Cards, Bucket Filler slips, more pens, tote bags...

I wish Vistaprint paid me to advertise!

 4th of July Have a safe happy Independence Day animation

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  1. I am loving your Vistaprint creations!! I still need to use my Groupon of Vistaprint products. Very cute!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure
    I'm having a giveaway! Come and take a peek! :)

  2. I love the magnet for second grade work! I have yet to even try out VistaPrint (gasp!). I know, I know. But I'm going to head over there right now and explore around the site thanks to you! :)

    Jamie at 2nd Grade Stuff

  3. I'd love a copy of your Pig Math cards. I purchased your Pig Math from TPT, but it wasn't in the set. If you're willing to send it to me, my email is wurtz@gotown.net. I'm excited to try this out this year. I did Rocket Math last year and it was simply too time consuming.


    1. Pam, Pig Math isn't actually mine. It belongs to Lory Evan's from Lory's Page. I just created the rack card since I had her first version with no graph/chart. I simply created it with text boxes and inserted my own graphic for the front. I created a table on the back right through the Vistaprint website. Sorry I can't share the graphic because I bought it from Scrappin' Doodles. I loved Pig Math last year though. It took about 5 minutes out of math time. Hope that helps. =)

  4. Love your blog! You have so many great ideas!

    I have given you an award...come on over and check it out!

    The Polka-dotted Teacher

  5. oh my word! Your Penny looks like my Zoey!! You have to stop by my blog to compare them!!


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥

  6. Thanks for allowing me to share pix of your Focus Wall in today's blog post. I have a freebie listed also for Focus Walls. Be sure to hop over and get yours! :-)

    2nd Grade Pad

  7. Oh how I love the magnets!! I see that you got them on the VistaPrint sale. Do you know how much they are at just the regular price?

    Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

    1. $12.99 for 25, but they should be free through the email link. =)

  8. Got my Vista order completed and blogged about it today with another link back to you! hahaha

    2nd Grade Pad

  9. You have such awesome ideas :) :). I love Vistaprint as well! I would love to have a copy of the Pig Math Rack cards and the Data binder cover. I use both in my classroom. The kids really love Pig math!! My email address is raysmart01@yahoo.com. I would truly appreciate it. Thanks for sharing :) :).

    2nd Grade Teacher

    1. Thanks Ray! I've emailed you from my school email account. =)

  10. I use the PIG math in my classroom too. We do 30 seconds instead of 45, though. I love the idea of earning the sundae parts! Thanks for sharing!

  11. I am truly obsessed with Vistaprint!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your ideas. I am always looking for new things to make. I have a page on my blog dedicated to my Vistaprint creations. I have to add my latest free items but here is a link if you want to check it out :) http://terristeachingtreasures.blogspot.ca/p/vistaprint-ideas.html

  12. I've never even heard of Vistaprint! How have I missed out on this? Thanks for introducing me to it. I really like your binder cover. I experimented with data folders for my students last year. I'm hoping to do a better job this year. Is it possible to get a copy of the binder cover? My email address is lylesl@clarke.k12.ga.us.

  13. I also give a sundae party for learning multiplication facts. But, mine is not as cute. I may have to steal your idea if you don't mind :)

    One Class, One Sound

  14. I would love to have a copy of the Pig Math Rack cards and the Data binder cover! :) My email address is kristina.nash11@yahoo.com

  15. Your Vista Print ideas are adorable! I would love to have a copy of anything you are willing to share in this post. We use data binders at our school. Since I teach second grade, focus on Reading, Math, and Writing. Those subjects are tested by the state in third and fourth grade. We use BOY, MOY, and EOY data to determine tutoring placement and RTI recommendation. Thank you for your willingness to share if these files are still available. Tcher7741@aol.com
