Thursday, October 4, 2012

C is for Currently {October}

Hello October! I love this month. Here in Florida the temps are still in the 90s, the leaves are still hanging on to their green before they turn brown, and you can't wear any sort of Halloween costume that has face paint/a mask/sleeves because you sweat yourself out of it. Nonetheless, I find it to be so much fun. I blame it on the "kid" in me.

A new month also means time for a new Currently:

Yeah, here in Florida we still have summer-like thunderstorms at random times of the day.

Anybody else ready for the election to be over?

Have you guys SEEN this thing?!

TidyMom is giving one away. Don't go enter...I WANT TO WIN! Unless you plan on winning and then giving it to me. =)

October means I get to read Stellaluna. I posted about it {here} last year.  
I totally cracked up rereading that one. 

Yeah sure, I could read it whenever I want because I'm the teacher, but it just goes so well with Halloween.  We also make a paper quilt that goes with it. So much fun! (More on the paper quilts tomorrow.)


Our Stellaluna paper quilt from 2010

Check out more Currentlies (change the y to an i and add 'es?) on Farley's blog.

I hope you've had a great first week of October!

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  1. That vacuum thing looks awesome! Glad I found you though the linky- I got sucked in reading old posts and am your newest follower!

  2. I'm so over all the politics too - can relate. Wish we were having thunderstoms here in So. Cal - it was 105 on Monday...ugh! Where is our fall? :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  3. I'm doing stellaluna next week :)

  4. Love the quilt! Did it take forever?
    My Second Sense

    1. Thanks! It took more time for me to cut the squares. The kids actually did them quickly.

  5. That vacuum sounds amazing! Totally OVER the politics, already.
    I love, love, love Stellaluna.
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤
